Fees for Counselling


£65 per session before 6pm

£75 per session starting 6pm or later

Sessions that are missed or cancelled with less than 24 hours notice are chargeable in full unless there are extenuating circumstances

The preferred method of payment is by bank transfer at least 48 hours before the session to confirm the booking.

Private Health Care

AXA, BUPA, Aviva, Vitality Health and Aetna Global Benefits

Please check that

  • your policy includes counselling and/or psychotherapy
  • how many sessions will be covered
  • whether or not you’ll need a referral from your GP.

If your provider agrees to cover the cost of therapy please  give me your policy number and authorisation code when booking your first appointment. I will then liaise with your insurers to obtain coverage for further appointments, send invoices and track payments.

What will I get from Counselling?

Only you can really answer that question. However it is worth considering how much you would be willing to pay if someone offered you the chance to manage the stress in your life, to be able to achieve your goals, improve your relationships. . .  to discover how you can lead the life you want to live.

On contacting Transition I will arrange to speak to you for a brief time to discuss your requirements prior to your initial session.

For further details:

Phone, text or Whatsapp:  07572 282514

Email: info@transition-counselling.co.uk

Counselling is an investment that can pay lifetime dividends.